22 June 2020
Sound Scribbles Call-Out!
It’s Sound Scribbles time! Little Bean is now calling out for families to send us your children’s sound scribbles. 🥳
We invite parents or carers of babies and toddlers to give a bunch of random items for them to play with and to explore freely the sound these objects can make. Take a one minute video or sound recording of your child’s sound creation and send your entry to [email protected] We will arrange these sound scribbles into a piece of music/song which will eventually be featured in our upcoming theatre production about sound!
👶🏻 Don't give instructions
👶🏻 Don't intervene
👶🏻 Don't worry about silence
Submission deadline is 28th June (Sunday). We can't wait to see all your masterpieces!
聲音塗鴉時間!小豆釘現正招募各位爹哋媽咪收集小朋友嘅聲音塗鴉 🥳
我哋誠意邀請家長隨機俾唔同種類嘅物件小朋友玩,俾佢地自由探索下呢啲物件可以發出咩聲音,然後用一分鐘錄影或錄音記低小朋友嘅聲音塗鴉,電郵俾我哋 [email protected] 😉 我哋會將收集所得創作成音樂/歌曲,最後會成為我哋嚟緊一個關於聲音嘅劇場製作嘅一部分!
👶🏻 請唔好俾指示小朋友
👶🏻 請唔好中途介入
👶🏻 請唔好擔心靜英英 dead air
We invite parents or carers of babies and toddlers to give a bunch of random items for them to play with and to explore freely the sound these objects can make. Take a one minute video or sound recording of your child’s sound creation and send your entry to [email protected] We will arrange these sound scribbles into a piece of music/song which will eventually be featured in our upcoming theatre production about sound!
👶🏻 Don't give instructions
👶🏻 Don't intervene
👶🏻 Don't worry about silence
Submission deadline is 28th June (Sunday). We can't wait to see all your masterpieces!
聲音塗鴉時間!小豆釘現正招募各位爹哋媽咪收集小朋友嘅聲音塗鴉 🥳
我哋誠意邀請家長隨機俾唔同種類嘅物件小朋友玩,俾佢地自由探索下呢啲物件可以發出咩聲音,然後用一分鐘錄影或錄音記低小朋友嘅聲音塗鴉,電郵俾我哋 [email protected] 😉 我哋會將收集所得創作成音樂/歌曲,最後會成為我哋嚟緊一個關於聲音嘅劇場製作嘅一部分!
👶🏻 請唔好俾指示小朋友
👶🏻 請唔好中途介入
👶🏻 請唔好擔心靜英英 dead air
13 June 2020
The TEDx talk Bonnie did last year is online now! It would give you a better idea of what we are doing as Little Bean and why we are doing it.
May 2020
Boh Boh’s Surprise Sing-Along Party
Such a joyous time to see all of you in Boh Boh’s Surprise Sing-Along party on 9th May! We gave Boh Boh a big surprise with 10 families from all around the world, sang quite a few songs and moved a lot while playing a game together. Boh Boh called us today asking when we're gonna see each other again... Do you wanna have more Sing-Along parties with us? 😆
好開心5月9日可以喺波波驚喜唱遊派對見到大家!我哋同10個嚟自世界各地嘅家庭一齊俾波波一個大驚喜,仲唱咗好多歌同玩咗個可以周身郁嘅遊戲~波波今日打嚟問我地幾時可以再見...... 唔知你地又想唔想再有更多唱遊派對呢?😆
好開心5月9日可以喺波波驚喜唱遊派對見到大家!我哋同10個嚟自世界各地嘅家庭一齊俾波波一個大驚喜,仲唱咗好多歌同玩咗個可以周身郁嘅遊戲~波波今日打嚟問我地幾時可以再見...... 唔知你地又想唔想再有更多唱遊派對呢?😆
April 2020
We have our own YouTube channel!
Please like and subscribe to it for latest updates of videos (and live broadcast)!
To celebrate the grand opening of the channel, we've uploaded a video of our new movement song! Sing and move along with Yan Yan and learn new Cantonese words!
小豆釘有自己嘅YouTube Channel喇!記住訂閱我哋嘅頻道,就可以睇到我哋最新上載嘅短片喇!
To celebrate the grand opening of the channel, we've uploaded a video of our new movement song! Sing and move along with Yan Yan and learn new Cantonese words!
小豆釘有自己嘅YouTube Channel喇!記住訂閱我哋嘅頻道,就可以睇到我哋最新上載嘅短片喇!
February 2020
THANK YOU!!! 多謝!!!It’s a warp for Boh Boh’s New Friends at CAN Festival! Thanks Chinese Arts Now for having us again at the festival, Little Angel Theatre for the venue and Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (London) for the support . Also a big thanks to everyone for coming and being our amazing puppeteers! We hope to see you all and play with you all again very soon!
波波星球歷險記之做個好朋友完滿完成咗四場演出喇!多謝當代華人藝術再次邀請我哋參與佢哋嘅藝術節,感謝Little Angel Theatre俾咗一個咁好嘅場地演出,亦感謝香港經濟貿易辦事處倫敦嘅支持。最後當然要多謝各位大小朋友同我哋一齊玩同做我哋嘅戲偶師!希望好快可以再同大家見面同一齊玩啦! |
December 2019
Thank you West Kowloon Cultural District for having us to bring our show Boh Boh’s New Friends to Hong Kong. We have so much fun to play with Cantonese speaking families and non-Chinese speaking families. We hope to see you all and play with you all again very soon!
感謝西九文化區提供自由空間俾小豆釘演出《波波星球歷險記 之 做個好朋友》,我哋好開心可以同廣東話家庭及非華語小朋友同家長一齊玩。希望好快可以再同大家見面啦! |
October 2019
We had a great time making lots of new friends in Kensington Central Library!
Thanks to Kensington Central Library for giving us the venue and chance. Thanks everyone for your contribution to the research and development of our new show by participating and giving us invaluable comments! We will see you with the full show soon!
小豆釘喺Kensington Centra Library識咗好多新朋友仔!多謝圖書館提供場地,同埋多謝參與試演嘅大家!你哋嘅參與同意見對我哋發展呢個新演出有好大幫助!我哋會努力創作,製作好完成品同大家再見面! |
August 2019
Little Bean finished a new work-in progress show in Hong Kong!
剛剛呢個暑假,小豆釘喺香港完成咗新嘅互動音樂劇場《波波星球歷險記 之 做個好朋友》嘅試演,五場演出喺1日內全部爆滿,多謝各位支持!波波同小朋友玩得好開心,我哋好快會喺倫敦同大家見面! GALLERY 到會搵到多啲資料!
In this summer, Little Bean finished a new work-in-progress show in Hong Kong, 5 shows are all sold out in a split second! Thank you so much for everyone’s support!Boh Boh had so much fun to sing and dance with children and parents and see you all in London very soon! Get more details in GALLERY!
In this summer, Little Bean finished a new work-in-progress show in Hong Kong, 5 shows are all sold out in a split second! Thank you so much for everyone’s support!Boh Boh had so much fun to sing and dance with children and parents and see you all in London very soon! Get more details in GALLERY!
June 2019
Congratulations! Bonnie Chan, our co-founder and co-artistic director, was awarded West Kowloon Young Fellows Scheme (Performing Arts) 2019. For the fellow project, Bonnie will work with experienced arts education and language-learning facilitators to offer Cantonese-language drama and music workshops for non-Chinese speaking children aged 3 to 8 years from ethnic minority communities in Hong Kong. In an immersive Cantonese-language environment, the children will be provided with a fun arts-learning experience that will also help enhance their language proficiency. Through these workshops, the project also aims to establish closer ties with minority community families, engage them in local arts and cultural activities, and help promote diversity and social inclusion. To get more information, please find here.
11 March 2019
Little Bean is 1 year old today! From establishing Little Bean, making the first and second work-in-progress show of Boh Boh Finds Home, having a school and community tour in HK, to having a show at CAN Festival, VAULT Festival and Greenwich Theatre. This is precisely what we’ve done in our first year. Thanks to EVERYONE who’ve helped us in several ways - from giving likes on Facebook and Twitter, to coming to see our show; from helping us in our shows to giving us chances and space to perform, we are really grateful for everything we’ve had in our first year. We are the lucky ones. For this coming year, we’re planning bigger things - making new work (of course!), national tour (we really hope we can make it) and... more! Watch this space!
小豆釘今日一歲喇!回望過去一年,小豆釘由成立,籌備第一及第二個試演,到香港學校及社區巡迴演出,及後參加當代華人藝術節,VAULT Festival及到格林威治劇院演出,我哋都做咗唔少嘢!多謝過去一年幫助過小豆釘嘅所有人,包括LIKE我哋Facebook同Twitter嘅人、入場嚟睇演出嘅觀眾、幫過手嘅朋友同埋畀機會我哋嘅藝術節同場地。呢一年小豆釘真係好幸運,亦慶幸我哋所得到嘅幫助同機會,好嘅起步確實係一支好有效嘅強心針。來年我哋正籌備緊新演出同埋希望可以安排全國巡演,仲有好多其他大想頭得嚟但又好實際嘅計劃!請繼續密切留意我哋嘅動向啦!
小豆釘今日一歲喇!回望過去一年,小豆釘由成立,籌備第一及第二個試演,到香港學校及社區巡迴演出,及後參加當代華人藝術節,VAULT Festival及到格林威治劇院演出,我哋都做咗唔少嘢!多謝過去一年幫助過小豆釘嘅所有人,包括LIKE我哋Facebook同Twitter嘅人、入場嚟睇演出嘅觀眾、幫過手嘅朋友同埋畀機會我哋嘅藝術節同場地。呢一年小豆釘真係好幸運,亦慶幸我哋所得到嘅幫助同機會,好嘅起步確實係一支好有效嘅強心針。來年我哋正籌備緊新演出同埋希望可以安排全國巡演,仲有好多其他大想頭得嚟但又好實際嘅計劃!請繼續密切留意我哋嘅動向啦!
January 2019 - March 2019
THANK YOU!!! 多謝!!!
We want to send out a massive thank you to everyone who made Boh Boh Finds Home's debut show a success! Thank you to all who came to see the show, we value your support so much! Thank you to our cast, creative team, production team, crew, VAULTS, Chinese Arts Now, Hatching Dragons City and Chinese Community Centre and who we worked with to bring all aspects of the show! We are currently working on National Tour project. Hope to see you very soon! 小豆釘感謝大家對《波波星球歷險記》支持,令《波波星球歷險記》首演非常成功。多謝每位入場嘅觀眾,各位演員,創作及製作團隊,VAULTS, 當代華人藝術,Hatching Dragons City和倫敦華人學校。小豆釘正在為《波波星球歷險記》籌備全國巡迴演出,希望再同大家見面。 Thank you again for spending a little time with us. Get more details in NEWS & UPDATE and GALLERY! 再一次多謝你哋來臨欣賞《波波星球歷險記》。NEWS & UPDATE 同埋 GALLERY 到會搵到多啲資料! |
December 2018
Little Bean finished Hong Kong trip! As part of our research and development work, we successfully teamed up with experts in Chinese and arts education in Hong Kong to develop more fun and effective ways to learn Cantonese with music and drama! It is so great to bring our debut show Boh Boh Finds Home and also hosted puppetry workshops for children and their families in Hong Kong. We specially thanked Hong Chi Morninghope School, Hapi School, Pak Ho Picture Book Store, Centre For Community Cultural Development, RTHK Radio 4 and Arts News to help us to pass on Cantonese as our mother language to the next generation!
小豆釘完成香港之旅喇!我哋成功聯同咗香港嘅中文教育、藝術教育同遊戲治療專家,研究同發展更有趣同有效,以戲劇同音樂學習廣東話嘅方法! 我哋好開心喺香港演出創團劇《波波星球歷險記》,仲有舉行親子布偶工作坊。我哋特別多謝匡智屯門晨輝學校,綠腳丫,百好繪本士多,社區文化發展中心,香港電台第四台同埋藝壇快訊,幫助我哋慢慢起步、持續發展,向下一代傳承廣東話!
更多相片 More Photos in GALLERY
小豆釘完成香港之旅喇!我哋成功聯同咗香港嘅中文教育、藝術教育同遊戲治療專家,研究同發展更有趣同有效,以戲劇同音樂學習廣東話嘅方法! 我哋好開心喺香港演出創團劇《波波星球歷險記》,仲有舉行親子布偶工作坊。我哋特別多謝匡智屯門晨輝學校,綠腳丫,百好繪本士多,社區文化發展中心,香港電台第四台同埋藝壇快訊,幫助我哋慢慢起步、持續發展,向下一代傳承廣東話!
更多相片 More Photos in GALLERY
December 2018
So thrilled to announce Boh Boh’s spaceship will be landing underground in London’s BIGGEST performing art festival, the VAULT Festival!!!!!! Come and join us in this unusual but amazing space under Waterloo Station at 3 Mar & 17 Mar!
重要消息宣布!波波架飛船將會喺3月3日同3月17日降落喺Waterloo Station地底嘅The Vaults,因為《波波星球歷險記》入選倫敦最大嘅表演藝術節VAULT Festival!
重要消息宣布!波波架飛船將會喺3月3日同3月17日降落喺Waterloo Station地底嘅The Vaults,因為《波波星球歷險記》入選倫敦最大嘅表演藝術節VAULT Festival!
November 2018
Little Bean’s Boh Boh Finds Home will be part of the first CAN Festival! We will have 4 public performances on 19 Jan and 2 Feb 2019, 2 will be mainly in Cantonese with English support and the other two are mainly in Mandarin with English support.
小豆釘嘅《波波星球歷險記》入選第一屆當代華人藝術節CAN Festival,將會喺1月19日同埋2月2日合4共四場公開演出!其中兩場會以廣東話為主英語為輔,另外兩場則分別以普通話為主英語為輔。
小豆釘嘅《波波星球歷險記》入選第一屆當代華人藝術節CAN Festival,將會喺1月19日同埋2月2日合4共四場公開演出!其中兩場會以廣東話為主英語為輔,另外兩場則分別以普通話為主英語為輔。